The Best Ways To Treat Anxiety Symptoms In Dogs And Cats

Separation Anxiety: What dog Owners Need to Know - 2946 Views

The Best Ways To Treat Anxiety Symptoms In Dogs And Cats
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“We may have pets, but when it comes to unconditional love, they are the masters.”

There is nothing in the world that can be compared to the joy of coming home to a loyal companion. Their unconditional love can work wonders and do much more than keep you company.

Only a pet parent can understand the feeling of coming back home after a rough day at work and see their pet waiting for them excitedly. Those playful jumps and wagging tail are enough to get rid of stress and tiredness.

Well, there are no two opinions that having a pet is the best feeling ever, but there are times when pet parents are seen complaining about how their pet starts behaving destructively, causing havoc in the entire house and their lives. They usually think that their pet might need some basic house manners.

When they start believing that their pet might need to learn polite manners, what they fail to realize is that their pet must be suffering from some problem, which in this case is separation anxiety.

If you are a pet parent whose pet is behaving differently and you can’t get an idea about why he/she is doing so, then do not worry. This article will guide through the entire problem.

So, without wasting any more time, let’s roll.


Separation Anxiety in Dogs and Cats

The Best Ways To Treat Anxiety Symptoms In Dogs And CatsWhen your dog or cat suffers from separation anxiety, they usually start feeling anxious when they don’t find you around. It is a common problem among pets and is also the primary reason due to which they are euthanized.

Since pets are genetically programmed to live in packs and have strong emotional bonds, they find it difficult to survive when they are left alone. The stress they get due to being left alone causes them to exhibit destructive behavior. You must know that pets exhibit symptoms of anxiety in both physical and psychological ways.

So, the next time you see your dog or cat behaving differently, do not feel frustrated and try to understand that they are doing so because they need you around and can’t manage to stay easy without you by their side.

Find out more on pets by clicking on the following link:


Critical Facts About Separation Anxiety

Symptoms of Separation Anxiety in Dogs and Cats

A dog or cat suffering from the problem of separation anxiety may exhibit different and destructive behavior. Some of the symptoms of separation anxiety in pets include:

Defecating and Urinating Indoors

There must be times when you come back home to feel surprised to see that wet carpet or bad-smelling bed. I understand that it might make you feel angry, and you end up punishing your dog or cat for doing so.

Although it is something that no one likes to see, you have to understand that punishing won’t make it any easier for your pet. In fact, it will worsen the situation for them.


Have you ever noticed your pet moving along in a set pattern? Like in a circular motion or walking along a straight line. If yes, then it means that they might be prone to the problem of separation anxiety.

Also, your pet will only exhibit such behavior when they do not see you around. If they do so in your presence, then it probably is not because of separation anxiety.

Chewing and Destroying

If you come back home and see that your pet has eaten and destroyed your favorite pair of shoes or furniture, then there are chances that he/she might be suffering from separation anxiety.

Digging or Trying to Escape

A pet suffering from separation anxiety might try to escape by either digging through the doorways or windows. Such an attempt may also cause self-harm, and they might end up getting broken teeth, nails, or scraped paws.

Note- If your pet is prone to separation anxiety, then they will only exhibit the above-stated symptoms in your absence. If they do so while you are around, then it means that they might need some polite house manners.


Best Ways to Treat Anxiety Symptoms in Dogs and Cats

As already said earlier, separation anxiety in pets is quite common, but this does not mean that it cannot be treated.

Here are a few tips considering which you can help your pet overcome the problem.

Keeping Departures and Arrivals Low-Key

Pet owners usually make a big deal about their departures or arrivals. They typically pay a lot of attention to their ball of fur before leaving the house or after coming back. They do so out of love, but they don’t realize that it might affect their pet after they are gone.

So, the best thing to do is keeping the departures and arrivals low-key. Try and not pay much attention to your pet before leaving and after coming back.

Leave Toys to Keep them Engaged

Best Ways To Treat Anxiety Symptoms In DogsOne of the best things to do to keep your pet away from getting anxious while you are not around is keeping them engaged. Now you can’t do that because you are not around, but you may leave engaging toys behind.

You may also try and hide treats for them.

Tire them Out

To keep your pet away from showing destructive behavior, you may consider taking them out for a walk or run before leaving the house. To make the walk more exhausting, you may carry a dog or cat backpack along.

This will get them tired, and they will look forward to taking restful sleep while you are gone.

Leave Comfort Cues

Leave comfort cues for your pet so that they may know that you are gone only for a while and will come back. This will help them stay calm and away from feeling anxious.


Wrapping it Up

Separation anxiety in pets is a common concern, and people generally give up on their pets when they find them behaving differently.
You must understand that such behavior is not under their control, and the main reason they do so is that they crave for your love and attention. So, instead of getting angry at them, you must focus on helping them get rid of the situation.

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