diy dog ramp for high bed

Budget-friendly ways to build a dog ramp - 6097 Views

diy dog ramp for high bed
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Do you have a dog that finds it difficult to get on the couch or bed surface? If so, are you considering building a dog ramp that doesn’t require professional knowledge or a big budget?

If you answered yes, then you are reading the right article. Today, I will discuss two procedures that will help you build a dog ramp. One of these is recommended for an indoor dog ramp, while the other is recommended for an outdoor/indoor ramp.

So, How to Build a Dog Ramp?

Method 1 (Uncarpeted ramp)

Steps to follow when building a dog ramp for an outdoor setting.

When you want to build a dog ramp which is suitable for use in an outdoor setting, it is probable that you will want to build a ramp that can withstand harsh conditions. Here are the steps to follow and the required tools.

Required tools/materials:


Step 1: Approximate the length of the ramp

The first step when you need to construct a dog ramp lies in calculating, how long the ramp needs to be.

Note: For older and arthritic dogs, you will need a smaller angle slope, so that it is not too steep to cause strain on the dog. On the other hand, you will not need a very sloppy ramp when you are creating one for use by a healthy or young dog.

Therefore, take your tape measure and measure the distance from the top of the bed, couch, or car to the floor at an angle.

Point to note: Just make sure that the angle isn’t too steep since you might end up taking measurements that are too small.

After taking the measurements, add at least four inches, since it is better that you create a dog ramp that is quite sloppy than one that is quite steep. That way, you can be sure to have the measurements that will enable your pet to move through comfortably.


Step 2: Construct the frame

After recording the right measurements, now take two pieces of lumber, and place these on a firm surface. Using the tape measure, measure the desired length on the lumber pieces and mark these points using a pencil. Ensure that the marks are clear since you will be required to cut the lumber along these marks.

Finally, use a saw and cut along the marks you have just made.


Step 3: Create the walk-on surface

The aim here is to match the frame that you have just constructed to the plywood.

So, pick the plywood and place it on a flat surface. Next, determine the width you want the ramp to measure based on the size of the dog.

Note 1: If you are constructing the ramp for a big dog, the width measurements have to be big, but if it is for a small dog, then the measures do not have to be big.

For instance, you can let the width 12 inches for smaller dogs and 16 inches for bigger dogs.

Note 2:  When you are creating a dog ramp for a big dog, make sure that the plywood is thick and strong so that it does not break easily due to the heavyweight.

Once you have determined the right width size based on your dog’s size, measure, and position the lumber frames you have just created on the plywood. The lumber frames should be apart by your preferred width measurement.

Once that is done, use a pencil and mark the plywood to the desired length and width. Finally, remove the timber frames and use a saw to cut along those marks.


Step 4: Attach the walk-on surface to the lumber frames.

Using nails and a hammer, now attach the lumber frames along the two edges of the cut plywood’s length.


Step 5: Create footsteps and attach them to the plywood surface.

Using the remaining lumbers, you will need to create steps/slats that the dog will use as steps when climbing the ramp.

So, measure the length of the remaining lumber frames so that the length is equal to the width of plywood (This can either be 12″ or 16″ based on the size of the dog).

Once this is done, nail the steps on the plywood in even increments. Ensure that you nail them firmly so that they do not fall off when the dog steps on them.


Step 6: Smoothen sharp edges and paint the ramp.

Once you have attached the steps, it is now time to examine the ramp for sharp edges, splinters, or nails. If you come across such places, sand them off so that you can end up with a surface that will not damage your pet.

At the end of it all, polish up the ramp by applying a coat of water-resistant paint. This not only makes it stylish but also durable since the paint protects the ramp from rotting.


Method 2 (Carpeted ramp)

Steps to follow when building a dog ramp for an indoor setting.

For those who want to build a dog ramp that will guide the dog on indoor furniture including a bed or couch, here are the steps to follow and the required tools.

Required tools/materials:


Step 1: Measure the length of the ramp

Using a tape measure, measure the distance from the bed or couch to the floor, at an angle. Ensure that the angle between the floor and ramp surface is not too steep especially when you want a ramp for old or arthritic dogs.

A quick tip: Measure the height from the floor to the couch, and make a dog ramp that features a length that is double the height.

Also, estimate the width of the ramp based on the size of the dog. For instance, you can create an 8″ width for small dogs, 12″ width for medium size dogs, and 16″ for large dogs.

Once you have gotten the right measurements, get a cabinet door with those measurements. If you cannot access such a frame then get plywood, and use it to create a piece of a walking surface based on the measurements.

Therefore, get the plywood, a tape measure, pencil, and saw.

Use the tape measure to measure the desired length and width of the plywood. Get a pencil to mark along with those measurements. Once you achieve this, get a saw and cut along these marks. The result will be the desired walk-on surface.

Once this is done, measure the length of your cushion, since you will be required to create another plywood that will be fitted under the couch cushion and attached to the other plywood piece.

After that, measure the remaining plywood so that you can cut a piece that will feature the new length measurements, and a width that is equal or 1″ less the previous width measurement.

Hence, you will have two different pieces of plywood, -one that will be fitted under the couch, and another that will act as the dog’s walking surface.


Step 2: Attach the two pieces of plywood

Now that you have these plywood pieces, it is now time to fix both so that you will have a foldable dog ramp. Therefore, get a piece of the piano hinge, screwdriver, drill, and screws.

Use the drill to drill small pilot holes on the two plywood sets (That is on the edges of the plywood widths, where you will be expecting to secure the piano hinge).

Note: Ensure that you mark the place you expect to drill the holes based on those on the piano hinge holes (before drilling) so that it is easy to fit the screws.

Hold the hinge on the surface of the plywood seats so that the drilled holes match those on the hinges. Fit the screws on the holes, and use the screwdriver to fasten them.


Step 3: Finishing/ fitting the carpet

Once this is done, it is not time to smoothen the plywood seats so that you can ensure that there are no sharp edges to cause damage to the hands or fabric.

Also, check to ensure that the screws are not protruded on the backside. If they are, you can get a stick and glue it over the screw points so that you can hide these points.

Once you have ensured that the rough edges are gone, get a carpet and roll it over the walking surface. Ensure that it is of appropriate size, and if it is too big, use a pair of scissors to cut it to the appropriate size.

Finally, get a staple gun and fix the carpet to the cabinet board or the plywood designed to be the walk-on surface. You can also fix the carpet using Gorilla tape if the carpet is meant to be a temporary solution.


Step 4: Set the ramp on the couch

After fixing the carpet, your ramp is ready for use. So, fit the uncarpeted plywood/smaller plywood under the cushion, and let the carpeted side be the walk-on surface.

Final Note: Just ensure that you place them on a non-skid floor so that they do not slide.


Final Verdict

I hope that these diy dog ramp for high bed methods have enlightened you on the two budget-friendly ways of creating a dog ramp. Try them out, since they do not require professional knowledge, and better yet, they do not call for you to break the bank to finance them.

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